The Top 10 Adventure Sports to Try in Manali

The best adventure activities in Manali to take up

1. Zorbing

A one of a kind experience is what is guaranteed by this gripping activity

2. Paragliding

Paragliding is basically a blend of parachuting and gliding in which a person starts gliding after getting enough momentum while running down a slope.


Snow trekking and climbing those rocky slopes is no easy task and tests the limit of a person’s physical strength and mental endurance.

3. Snow Trekking

4. Rafting

Rafting is one of the most popular activities in Manali and is carried out with great zest by tourists looking to have a charged experience.

5. Skiing

The snow filled environment provides the perfect location to ski breezily down the snowy slopes with the wind gushing against your face.

White Scribbled Underline

6. Snow Scooter

Riding on these Snow scooters for a stretch of up to 3 kilometers is guaranteed to be an undertaking of great fun.

7. Mountaineering

Climbing those jagged, rocky surfaces using just bare hands and feet is the ultimate ecstasy for adventure lovers.

A sport which can be paced according to the environment, kayaking is famed in Manali for even beginners to start with.

8. Kayaking

9. River Crossing

A breathtakingly galvanizing venture is what the activity of River Crossing is.

10. Biking

Biking through the route passing in and around Manali is one which requires a lot of physical endurance and mental strength

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