Chintpurni Devi Temple , Chintpurni

  • Spend Time

    1 Day

  • Best Time To Visit

    Any Time During The Year

  • Timings

    04:00 Am To 10:00 Pm


Himachal Pradesh

The temple dedicated to Mata Chintpurni Devi (also known as Shri Chhinnamastika Devi) is located in a village of the same name in District Una, Himachal Pradesh.
Devotees have been visiting this Shaktipeeth for centuries to pray at the lotus feet of Mata Shri Chhinnamastika Devi and Mata Shri Chintpurni Devi. 
They bring with them their worldly concerns and seek blessings from the Devi. 
Devotees believe that if you ask something of the Devi with an honest heart, your wish will be granted. 


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