Agastya-Mala, Kerala, Trivandrum

  • Spend Time

    03 Hours

  • Best Time To Visit

    November To March

  • Timings

    24 Hours



The name ‘Agastya Mala’ actually refers to a 2000 meters tall peak located within the state of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Agastya Mala is located in the Western Ghats mountain range and is also a part of the Agastya Mala Biosphere Reserve and the Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary.Agasthyakoodam (commonly known  as Agastya Mala / Agasthyamalai / Agathiyar Malai  and Agastyarkoodam) is also a  famous pilgrimage center know after the sage Agasthya. The pilgrimage involves a trek of 56km (28km one side) from  Bonacaud/Bonaccord  making it a  trekker’s paradise. 

The main attractions of Agasthyakoodam are it’s evergreen forests, grasslands, rare herbs, biodiversity, mind blowing scenic beauty  and the chance of  seeing wild animals. 
Being located in the Western Ghats, the Agastya Mala experiences a monsoon influenced tropical highland climate. The summers can be warm and humid with showers from the southwest monsoons and winters are generally cool and dry.  The tourist season in Agastya Mala starts during November and lasts till the month of March.
The main activities you can indulge in are adventure, photography and trekking. You can also spend time in the small streams at the base camp.


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