Museum & Art Gallery Mount Abu, Udaipur

  • Spend Time

    02 Hours

  • Best Time To Visit

    Any Time During the year

  • Timings

    08:00 Am To 08:00 Pm



Museum & Art Gallery, Mount Abu is best valuable place related rajasthani arts and talent. 
The Museum & Art Gallery, Mount Abu is divided into two sections.  first section has been adorned by a diorama of local tribal hut with their usual rajasthani living style by adding a gallery of weapons, musical instruments, ladies ornaments like barly, guthma toda, gaga wala thoomar, kanksi berla, various type of earrings and garment. The second Part has a series of miniature paintings based on raga-ragnis lain images from Sirohi a small canon called ‘Topdi’ and some pieces of carvings on local wood.It is build from 6th century A.D. to 12th century A.D. procured from an ancient township called Chandravati, situated almost 7 kms away from Abu. 


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