Agra Metro News: People of Agra Will Soon Enjoy the Metro

Agra Metro News: People of Agra Will Soon Enjoy the Metro

Posted On : 2024-06-26

People will soon be able to enjoy the metro train in the Taj Mahal of Agra. Currently, the fare list has been released for the passengers. Let us know how much money will have to be spent on the journey.

Agra: People of Agra Will Be Able To Enjoy the Metro Train

The metro train will start running from Agra's Taj East to Jama Masjid (probably Mankameshwar) station in February next year. People here will have to spend only 20 rupees for a distance of six km. As far as the fare is concerned, the list of possible fares has been released by Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC). The fare of the metro train can also be increased if the number of stations increases.

Panchanan Mishra, Deputy General Manager of UPMRC, has said in this regard that the fare being charged for metro trains in Kanpur as well as Lucknow can be applicable in Agra as well. He said that the distance of the metro train track in two corridors is 29.4 km and the number of stations is 27. The first corridor will have a distance of 14 km and 13 stations.

From Taj East To Sikandra

This corridor will be built from Taj East to Sikandra, in which the first 6 km track is being prepared and its fare is likely to be Rs 20 per passenger. If the number of stations increases, the fare may also be increased. There will be three bogies in a metro which will have the capacity to carry 750 passengers, out of which 165 passengers will be able to sit.

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A Second Underground Corridor Will Be Built

According to the Deputy General Manager, the construction of the corridor for the metro train was started in December 2020 and the work is to be completed in December 2025. Apart from this, the second corridor will be built from Agra Cantt to Kalindi Vihar, which will be an elevated track and the distance will be 15.4 km in which 14 stations will be built. The traders demand that the underground corridor and station should be built for the metro from MG Road. It is possible to change it on the orders of the government and if this happens, the cost will also almost double.

This Is The List Of Possible Metro Fares In Agra

  • Up to one station: Rs 10
  • Up to two stations: Rs 15
  • Up to 3-6 stations: Rs 20
  • Up to 7-9 stations: Rs 30
  • Up to 10-13 stations: Rs 40
  • Up to 14-17 stations: Rs 50
  • Up to 18 or more stations: Rs 60

Other Figures Agra Metro Rail Project

  • The cost of the metro is Rs 8380 crore
  • Both corridors will be built by 2025
  • The track of both corridors is 29.4 km
  • 28 metro trains will run on the track
  • There will be 27 metro train stations
  • There will be 20 elevated stations
  • There will be 07 underground stations


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